Second night of the harvesting of souls. (“Plundering hell and populating Heaven”-Rhinard Bonnke).
I was asked to welcome the people as the Evangelical Fellowship district chairman. It was also to testify as one who was there 41years ago at the first 1981 Bonnke crusade in Kitwe Zambia. I stood as living proof of fruit that abides a crusade counsellor then and a call to ministry followed. At the time, Bonnke came with his “big” yellow tent, with capacity of just over 7,000 people. At the time, an overwhelming great number.

Comparing it to today, our numbers are stuggering. Nevertheless today afterwards, I had a wonderful chat up with late Pastor Bonnkes first born son, Kai-Uwe Fred Bonnke. Kai-Uwe is the video grapher who came to Lesotho, Africa for the first time in 1967. He was an only toddler son of Pastor and Anni Bonnke. What a gospel legacy his father left us.
Bonnke’s ministry has left a trail of sons, signs, wonders, miracles and over 70 millions of souls saved. His spiritual sons and daughters are now a third generation of evangelists. Listening to the evangelists speak, one observes distinct Bonnke gospel presentation simplicity, clarity with passion with miracles following.
Todays crusade, swelled in size and numbers. It has been a while since we had such a crowd at any meeting. This gospel keeps drawing in many to God.
Shalom, see you tomorrow.