Shittim Wood: The Tabernacle furnishing Tree planting ceremony

Honouring the resilience and Ministry of Professor, Dr Dave Garrard, PhD. Guest lecturer  at Beth Adonai Institute, 31-2nd Ave. Nkana West, KITWE, ZAMBIA.  Today Friday June 21th, 2024.

The theme; … that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the Planting Of The Lord  that he may be glorified (Isaiah 61:3 )

The acacia tree is used deliberately during this ceremony. The name is from Greek, akakia, meaning – “thorny Egyptian tree.” The acacia tree, comes in many varied species, and has incredible  significance for God to chose it for the important role.

When the children of Israel left Egypt travelling to the promised land, God wanted to dwell or tabernacle among them. In the Sinai desert, the choice of material God showed Moses for  construction purposes was the acacia, known in Hebrew as the shittah or shittim wood. “This is the wood, the Ark of the covenant and the Tabernacle furniture were made out of” (Exodus 25:10 And they shall make an ark of shittim wood…). The wood, symbolic of humanity, and yet covered in outwardly in divinity, gold.

Most life and fauna in the deserts and savannah, depend on shittim, directly or indirectly. It could be for food, shade and even medicinal. It’s deep root makes it survive the parched climate for obvious reasons. This is because it’s reach the water of life in place where other plants cannot.Furthermore, shittim wood chemistry, fixes nitrogen in soils, while the tiny leaves, minimises water loss to survive the hot climates. As such, it’s a symbol of endurance, strength and determination. In some folklore, its a guardian spirit, protecting and guiding those searching for life, water.

On Friday June 21st 2024, Our institute chose to honoured my teacher Professor Garrard. A man like the Shittim tree, carries depth in ministry. During our “drought” difficulties he was present including at the launch of Beth Adonai Rohi ministries. He has taken time to lecture at our humble college every year, with the Pauline commentaries he has done or answering missional questions. He has taken time to to help build with us. Even the green roof above us was his idea.

Isaiah 61:3 – says, To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.

Christ is, … a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground:… Isaiah 53:2.

Dr Garrard, my Missiology and Graduate college teacher has been an on the spot counsellor. He has brought joy and beauty for Ashes. We are clothed with praise in difficult times. May the tree we plant in his honour be a reminder of the attributes, role and place of the Shittim in the dwelling place of God, that he may indeed be Glorified. May his lessons missional  life, be a reminder of his   classes for generations.May to lead to reflection on the bible and Christ resilience in harsh and dry arid places.

Dr Dave Garrard – Missiologist, Bible school teacher and Church planter with decades of African ministry. Speaking our local languages and culturally adaptable. So easy to host and this time, our first guest at the unfurnished home we just moved to. 

Toda raba! (Hebrew; Thank you very much)

Beth Adonai Institute

Today, Beth Adonai Institute, welcomes  our new Bible school students. The last class shut down by Covid outbreak and lost school space, was of the 2022 graduation. What a long rough ride. God has faithfully building our resilience to hold on to the vision. 

Thankfully, this time, “more room,” Rehoboth, as our theme for 2024. God has brought us to a large place and we will be fruitful here (Genesis 26:22), without a doubt.

Our tutors, are highly qualified. They are holders of Bachelors in theology and higher, with tremendous experience to suit. Tutors are from Zambia, USA, UK and Canada for different classes.
While among students, are recent highschool leavers and regular workers. Some school teachers and untrained Bishops will report for class during school holidays. The common denominator is, a Holy Ghost church  assembly. An Army of the Lord.

The first zealous student, reported 2 hours before opening time. Got a call, “I am here, sir!” Was his short message. This was amidst a rain that broke a four week drought. Is not this a sign from God. Elijah said to King Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink, for there is the sound of the abundance of rain.” 1 KINGS 18:41 (NKJV) 

We have a full house so far and the first class is with a Californian lecturer via zoom link. The class is full, the next opening is Feb. 2025.

Yes you can, take a part by sponsoring our indegent workscholarship student. A $20 or more, will go a long way for class supplies and evsngelistic projects.
We also look forward to faithful  intercessors praying for us. Apostles and evangelist visiting and partners visiting our students is inspirational.

For now, watch this space for more on Beth Adonai Institute. (Pic. Our first to arrive students)

Only Believe

This was a story of overcoming horrific odds by bold faith of the community for a couple to have

Sunday morning service 17th September 2023, we received guests with a great supernatural
testimony work of Gods answered prayer. Talk about wiping tears away, after fearsome trauma.
Talk about God turning one’s mourning into dancing, this is what the story is about in the life of
Professor Ikukumbuta Mwandawande and his wife Lenny.

But Moses told the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the LORD’s salvation, which
He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians you see today, you will never see again. 14The
LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”… Exodus 13:14-14.

We share the story on video but the video recording had bad audio in the interview so I decided to
do this write up. The testimony stirs up faith and trust in God for the silent suffering many, in
similar situations. It will shows that God answers prayer. It shows that when we trust God no
matter the circumstances and despite what we see and the voices from specialist authority God
has the last word on his creation.

Thirteen years ago Ikukumbuta and his wife Lenny arrived in Kitwe, working at the local university.
In their background, they had had nine year the most traumatising experiences of child bearing for
a young couple I had ever known. They lost not one, two or three but four traumatic births. The
babies, were delivered with horrific deformities with odd digits or more misplaced body parts
missing weather nose or ears. Worse still was that each birth deformity got worse but they never
gave up trying. As usual, there were concerns and chatter in the community. Medical experts
weighed in with suspected genetic incompatibility for conclusion. However, their faithfulness and
love for God and each other stood firm in the horrific circumstances.

On my first pastoral visit after they arrived in Kitwe, I naively inquired if they had a child which of
course was negative. However, they gave the background and expressed a desire to have one. I
then quickly realised it was time to bring out the sword of the Spirit, for warfare.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.I assembled intercessors
telling them, “it’s going to be a new birth, a new town, a new church eldership and new pastor form now
on.” Eph. 6:12.

Soon, a baby was on the way with intense medical supervision. However, in the 8th month,
doctors asked Lenny to be hospitalised for 24hrs observations until delivery. Lenny, out of the
trauma she had, went into hiding in another area of town and could not be reached by the
concerned medical staff no persuaded by husband. Happily she called me with, ‘pastor I am
afraid to face another birth from my past trauma. I persuaded her to report at the hospital as
instructed. My word was, “the baby, was surely coming in hiding or in hospital.” She complied.
In due time, a healthy baby boy was born. Ikukumbuta named him Michael (The fighting Angel)
with Hebrew roots and meaning in rhetorical question “who is like God?”. Overwhelmed joyed by
the news on hearing of the medical exclusive delivery where husbands are not allowed near by,
Ikukumbuta drove to hospital in the opposite direction for a while. Eventually being allowed in the
to seeing the baby, he counted the fingers, scanned the child and all was perfect.

At this time, the doctors had intentions of removing Lenny’s uterus to avoid future pregnancies.
However, I got a call from Ikukumbuta to inquire how to respond. My question to him was simply,
“do you want another baby?” Yes! was the clear answer. I said, tell the doctor and he did. A few
years later while doing his PHD in Cape Town in South Africa Lenny had a threatening pregnancy
with a huge tumour but after surgery she was well enough to have Jamima Liseli (Lisle in Silos
language is Lubuto in Bemba). Honoured to have their baby names after me whose name means,

It is with this back ground that on Sunday, 17th September 2023, they came to say thank you to
me, my wife and church family. Michael is 13 in high school and Jamima is 7 in second grade. It
was my first time to see Jemima Lisle, my cute name sake. We serve a miracle working God.
I was greatly honoured to have some one I prayed for come back to say thankyou in this way. We
had not seen each other for quite a while and he did not come empty handed.

Luke 17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? [18]
There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger.
Thank you Dr Iku and Lenny. Some one else will be strong because you were strong.

Lubuto Nsofu

Elder Joe Femino

Dr Joseph Femino: The Epitome of an elder and true friend.

I have seen church leadership and I’ve  had experience in church eldership. However, since 1988, few exemplify  biblical eldership as prescribed in 1 Timothy 3:2-7, like I experienced in the life of elder and family friend, Joe Femino, MHSRIP.

My wife and I first arrived at Christ for the Nations Institute of Biblical Studies (CFNI-BS) New York December 1988. We were just 3 months newly weds. As the DC10, Zambia airways flight via Dakar landed on our first trip at a minus zero temperature, JFK international, we were hundred percent, complete strangers. We thought we knew English and  language, dress or understood culture, food and speech. All we knew fell smack in our faces at the airport gates with our so called Zambian winter jackets. All we could ever long for, was a sober, teacher, married man and elder for guidance.

Thank God, Dr Femino was among our CFNI-BS board eldership.
Thank God, Dr Femino was elders of Church on the Sound our preferred church.
Even further, thank God, our first American home to host us was at Dr Femino.
Thank God even still, 34 years on, my whole family has only known a warm  welcome at his home and even while in Zambia we felt his love.

After studies, CFNI-BS campus was sold. Joe recommended a portion of the tithe to be sent to us. It was our first car in Zambia.

Joe, kind generous blameless, husband of one wife.
On your private vacation you preferred we tag along to Vermont.
On a worship vacation in PA  with Jesus culture you brought us along.

Joe, your teaching voice is silent .
Joe your handy man’s tools, are silent.
Your documentary movies we loved, are silent too.

Gone, is my airport pickup ride JFK or NewArk past Manhattan.
Gone, is my LI-Sound boating tutor.
Gone, my high tide dock adjustment companion.

In raccoon trapping, fun with you, Joe.
In  our bee keeper interest even bees were calm.
In culinary you said sit down Lubuto I will feed you. and whipped up specialty.

My comfort is, a Heavens meeting date.
In Heaven, our breakfast bible studies like we had on your porch, will be experienced not studied.

Its now up to us to live Timothy standard We’ll try to live up to Timothy eldership.
Rest in peace Dr Femino. You prefered to be addressed as Joe.
Rest, my retired host,
my elder, my friend,
my family friend,
Joe, rest. Shalom.

Lubuto, Dorcas, Jesse, Olive and Petra


Matthew 2:1–12

The story and arrival of the wise men or mystical magi is only found in Matthews gospel. These men are celebrated in some churches on Epiphany or Three Kings Day, today January 6th. That is twelve days after Christmas.  

This celebrations are mainly in Europe, particularly Spain and Latin America. Some have names for the wise men, Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar as the presenters of baby Jesus with symbolic gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.  

However, I am of the view that the wise men probably arrived in a huge number than three and at least 2 years after his birth. Clearly the child Jesus was at home when they arrived (v.11) and not in a manger, as Christmas cards would portray. Biblical narrative records, the shepherds found him in a manger (Luke 2:15-16).  

However, my key thought is, the wise men, like us, had the promise of a King born in Bethlehem. First, lost, they went to Jerusalem. Secondly, they had to leave Jerusalem and head 5-6 miles South to Bethlehem. When they found the  child, being warned, they did not go back to Jerusalem.  

For all of us, the year 2023, holds promise from God. We read the promise and see the guiding star, however, we get caught up inquiring in places. And yet, like Herod’s elite they have no clue. Let’s look at this a bit more; 

Firstly, Lost in “Jerusalem?”  

It’s easy to be drawn to“Jerusalem”. The city glitz, glamour, royalty, pomp and splendor. The latest gossip is there.  

With this in mind, surely, a new born King should be there. But no! Not even Herod’s secret service, knew about it. 

A lesson, beware the “city” you feel drawn to in your pursuit of God’s given vision.  

Additionally, beware of whom you seek to consult. Some, have no clue what you are talking about. As clueless as  Herod was, he offered a suggestion for them to return to him. He wished to “worship” the same King.  

Be aware, the clueless may produce acts hard to understand. 

The only way forward is to Lose, “Jerusalem?” God is leading you. In 2023, few know where God is leading you Shepherds are among the few. As you enter the year 2023, like the wise men, you probably have to ask and answer yourself among the clueless. You may know better among the wise of Jerusalem.  

And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, 

And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel. Matthew 2:5-6 

We are not told how long the wise men stayed in Jerusalem. However, when they left it, supernaturally a guidance was provided. My thought is, head out for divine guidance to be seen. 

Your prophetic gifts must be delivered. Not in Jerusalem or before anyone else. 

The gifts are so profound and symbolic, 1. Gold’s financial glow and divine providence. 2. Frankincense- pleasant, aromatic and intercessional drawing. 3. The bitter myrrh, warning of not only religious niceties but difficult times ahead also. 

 The last thing is, Leave out “Jerusalem.” After the presentation of gifts, Jerusalem was to be omitted on the trip going home. Of course, Herod was not amused neither will your confidants. 

This year 2023, Follow Gods guidance as it is revealed to you. Leave out some obvious prominent places and people. You may be expecting too much from those who have no clue. Perhaps, leave out some guidance on good food, businesses, relationships and places to go. You will ruffle some feathers. 

Enter 2023, looking at the star leading you to the promise. When you get there, your gifts will be come out with joy. When you presented your gifts, your next roadmap will be given. It may not include glitzy “Jerusalem and Herod.”   

We Are Now Two Camps

Genesis 32:10 

A unique Combined, Farewell, Holy Communion, Christmas Service all in one, was our Sunday December 25, 2022. We learned a lot by the hospitality of Bishop Mathews and Pastor Jamile Mtonga, of Destiny Bible church, Kitwe.

Destiny Bible church, hosted Beth Adonai Fellowship for the past two years in covid perilous times. Their hospitality, has joggled my mind on Christian love. 

At the combined service, host pastor, Mrs Mtonga shared a probing word, “we are now two camps!” (Genesis 32:10). Cited Jacob’s cry transitioning to the promised. To Jacob, if one group is attacked the other can flee and all is not lost. Is that us I thought? 

On the Sunday 1″ of January, 2023, our Ministries have a home, 31-2nd Ave Nkana West, Kitwe. 

After two wonderful years of hospitality, we feel healed and refreshed. 

Hospitality, if I may, is associated with hospital, motels or hotels. Hospitals and hotels respectively, host the sick the weary for recovery, resting, food and water etc. 

Generally, hospitality is room and board to restore the sick, refresh the exhausted travellers. 

Marys for one needed hospitality in Bethlehem (Luke 2). Jesus gave an example of wounded man on the road to Jericho (Luke 10;25_37). 

Typically, biblical hospitality is more than just room and board. The word hospitality appears four times in the ESV Bible Romans 12:13 – Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. 

Hebrews 13:2- Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. 

1 Peter 4:9 – Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. 

1 Timothy 5:10 – and having a reputation for good works: if she has brought up children, has shown hospitality, has washed the feet of the saints, has cared for the afflicted, and has devoted herself to every good work. 

Hospitality is both action and affection, receiving and loving a stranger. Which, admittedly, is not always easy to determine. We can offer hospitality food, a bed, a shower without love, then it is not biblical. We can judge for ourselves here. For Christians … we are to show hospitality to one another without grumbling 1 Peter 4:9. 

When we grumble while giving food or lodging to someone, our hospitality is gone. 

In this regard, we wish to thank and bless Destiny Bible Church and pay glowing tribute to Bishop Mathews and Jamile Mtonga. 

As a ministry, and me in particular we were in great distress. We lost a meeting place, lost membership, lost property and lost ministry stride but they helped us to stabilize in two years among other friends. The Sar-Shalom (Prince of peace) be your portion 

When it all happened, we asked why…? Until we just left it all to God. Tthe last two years you provided unbridled hospitality. Holding nothing back for us, not asking why we were in such quandary. Not even telling us how long we could stay.

May God bless Bishop Mtonga, and wife. May God refresh you as you refreshed us. 

This Sunday, 1s of January 2023, we will be in our new facility. We could not wait for furnishing, paint or renovations. Our hearts burn to get busy for God.

Literary Pastor Jamile Mtonga we are indeed two camps for strategic reasons, but are one people, children of Jacob. Like in Jacob case, we may face our perceived enemy but they will melt away into their wilderness. 

Thank you. The comforter, came to us in the person of the Mtonga’s.

God with us, Emmanuel.

Israel 2022: empirical learning tour

Beth Adonai Rohi Ministires was back in Israel December 3rd, for the first time since 2018. A resounding successful trip in more ways than one.

There were 12 of us including my wife Dorcas bishops and others. The oldest member was a retired 90 year old former headmaster and geography teacher seeing somethings he taught but never saw with his 82 year old wife. Team learned bible empirically, rode camels, swam in the dead sea, climbed Mount Moriah and prayed at the wailing wall. They ate st Peters fush, drank from Elishas spring in Jericho some baptised in the Jordan. Israel 2022 trip was empirical rich and unique learning tour.

The 2023, December trip, will be tailored for youth and young adults. Our youth are already fund raising to travel and learn.
I hope to write on a number of Israel related articles but in this post, I am looking at something unique.

On arrival, our coordinator provided  wonderful helpful souvenirs. However, further on, during the tour of Bethlehem I was endowed with more.
The one that stood out the most was an engraved rock (in picture).
I think, it’s supposed to be an office paper weight. I recognised it’s colours as of Judean desert rock appearance. The rock mason is on every house in Jerusalem, by law. Every building in Jerusalem is clad in this masonry on it’s exterior works. I see it as strickingly beautiful antiqueted  ancient look. The style and masonary work of this kind is everywhere. Prominently so, is the Western wall, wailing wall or wall of tears as it may be called, on mount Moriah western slope from the time of Herod in Jerusalem. 

My thought was, what this gift  probably meant. In scripture, rock, I know is used as metaphor, signifying strength, steadiness, and durability.

I asked myself, what this could imply? Where was God leading in this? Could this mean the focus in 2023? I could not conclude. Still praying!
However, I looked at scripture and articles by others on the subject.

I looked at an article by a professor whose write-up helped enrich my thoughts in light of this rectangle rock I received.

What is the symbolic meaning of the term rock in the scriptures?

Robert J. Matthews, dean of Religious Education, Brigham Young University. Whom I largely quote wrote,

Experienced builders know that a structure cannot endure unless its foundation is strong. The words rock and stone, referring to the prime elements in ancient foundations, are used in the scriptures as metaphors signifying strength, steadiness, and durability. The prophets used these metaphors in a variety of ways, conveying an impression of the unwavering character of God as well as the need for spiritual solidarity in the foundation and structure of our own lives.

Moses spoke of the God of Israel as a Rock: “Ascribe ye greatness unto our God. He is the Rock, his work is perfect, … a God of truth and without iniquity.” (Deut. 32:3–4). David wrote, “the Lord is my rock, and my fortress, … my shield, … my high tower.” (2 Sam. 22:2–3). Paul explained that the children of Israel… “drank of that spiritual rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.” (1 Cor. 10:4). Psalm says ascribe greatness to our God the rock (psalm 18:2.) Jacob spoke of the Lord as “the shepherd, the stone of Israel.” (Gen. 49:24.)

Isaiah spoke of the Lord as “a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation.” (Isa. 28:16.) And Paul explained that the faithful Saints belong to the household of God “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.” (Eph. 2:20.)
Therefore Jesus is called a stumbling stone to those who reject him, “a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient.” (1 Pet. 2:8.) Jacob explained that “by the stumbling of the Jews they will reject the stone upon which they might build and have safe foundation. But … this stone shall become the great, and the last, and the only sure foundation, upon which the Jews can build.” (Jacob 4:15–16.)

Pray for the Jewish people to recieve Yeshua Messiah upon which they can build. Currently, they hold a form of religion denying the power thereof. Pray that the foundations amongst us as a church be firmly reestablished in 2023.

We remember Mary at her village well in Nazareth during  this season. A tried stone, precious corner stone was to be born through her. She was highly favoured to carry the Rock of our Salvation.
I pray that we see how favoured we are, entrusted to carry the gospel in our time.

I pray you carry Christ the Rock in your mind. Have great Christmas season.


We Have Moved

31st 2nd Avenue, Nkana West Kitwe Zambia, is the Beth Adonai Rohi Ministries operatipnal nerve centre. It houses head office, Fellowship and Bible institute. For your spiritual life transformation, ministry, water wells, Israel travel, this is here.

We are excited thankful and blessing God for the purchase of a house to house our diverse ministries. Old brick house on a large lot was paid for and the deal sealed 13th December 2022.

Our legal challenges on our former property was holdings us up on many fronts. We thank God for a friend that has single handedly paid for this building. The friend has followed our ministry for a long time and decided to step in for the Kingdom.  Toda raba, thank you most sincerely.  May God hear you, as you heard us. God answer you swiftly, as you swiftly responded to us also.

Our Bible school as such starts February 2023.  Check website guidance for limitted application and scholarships.

Church services on this lot begins, 1st January 2023. A new beginning and God is in control.

Saturday 24th December at 10hrs there is an exciting youth program, Israel: Technon Youth ’23. Zambian youth head to Israel in December 2023. All Zambia youth are welcome. Limited space.

We are happy to get helping hands for renovations and paints for exterior and interiors. There is need for furniture, office supplies such as computers and printers. 20 student desks and 10 fulltime student beds are needed. Any catering utensils, fridge and cooker stationary will be most appreciated.

Call +260955548307


Second night of the harvesting of souls. (“Plundering hell and populating Heaven”-Rhinard Bonnke).

I was asked to welcome the people as the Evangelical Fellowship district chairman. It was also to testify as one who was there 41years ago at the first 1981 Bonnke crusade in Kitwe Zambia. I stood as living proof of fruit that abides a crusade counsellor then and a call to ministry followed. At the time, Bonnke came with his “big” yellow tent, with capacity of just over 7,000 people. At the time, an overwhelming great number.

Comparing it to today, our numbers are stuggering. Nevertheless today afterwards, I had a wonderful chat up with late  Pastor Bonnkes first born son, Kai-Uwe Fred Bonnke. Kai-Uwe is the video grapher who came to Lesotho, Africa for the first time in 1967. He was an only toddler son of Pastor and Anni Bonnke. What a gospel legacy his father left us.

Bonnke’s ministry has left a trail of sons, signs, wonders, miracles and over 70 millions of souls saved. His spiritual sons and daughters are now a third generation of evangelists. Listening to the evangelists speak, one observes distinct Bonnke gospel presentation simplicity, clarity with passion with miracles following.

Todays crusade, swelled in size and numbers. It has been a while since we had such a crowd at any meeting. This gospel keeps drawing in many to God.

Shalom, see you tomorrow.