Tree planting ministry

The question of how a long serving, faithful minister survives with his wife after retirement in missionary service in African, is hard to answer. Much more so in hard life village ministry.

With this in mind, young ministers will serve, if they have some firm assurance to fall back on. Beth Adonai, organised tree planting seminar with the students and men’s department. Coupled with favour from traditional chiefs a pine tree forest for poles or timber was planted. The trees take 15 years to maturity if no fence or electric poles are harvest form them. They require little capitalisation with low maintenance.

The trees can provide high income, for a retired minister and create jobs for the local timber dealers in an eco-friendly way. Having trained in tree planting, students graduate with seed and seedlings for their forest, wherever they chose.


  1. Help get seeds for graduating students
  2. Help grow seedlings for graduating students
  3. Sponsor a training workshop