Then the king said to his men, “Do you not realize that a commander and a great man has fallen in Israel this day? 2 Samuel 3:38

Today, 27th of March 2021, we put to rest, our Mbonge Solwezi church Pastor, Record Jioma. A retired former Zambia National Broadcasting Cooperation (ZNBC) broadcaster at Kitwe studios. He was a husband, father and grandfather who was born in 1956 died and March 2021
Though physically blind, he succesfully pastored our Beth Adonai Fellowships, in Solwezi. He was my best, English to Kaonde interpreter who joyously, introduced me to Chief Mbonge as his Bishop. The chief in turn, welcomed us with open arms in his chiefdom, together with Zambia’s Olympic medalist, Samuel Matete and my Elder, Paul Sakuunda. We had lunch together, planned, talked on many topics and his dear wife, paid us a visit in Kitwe. We are still grateful for the gifts she brought us.
In his ministry, despite having no water, he was undeterred in vision. We were delighted to help in sinking the Ella Water Well, at the church plot in Mbonge. The well, supplies clean water to the local community, the church fellowship and is named after the grandchild of a mission minded couple.
In the quoted scripture, David weeps over, Abner, the senior most soldier who served in Saul’s army (1 Samuel 14:50). His servants did not understand this. His reaction was like, “don’t you get it!!??”
I don’t expect many to understand me either over Pastor Jioma. However, Matthew Poole commentary, may give insight on the illustrious soldier, Abner, who once sat with the King Saul, David and Jonathan (1 Samuel 20:25). I feel a liberty to relate Abner to my Pastor, Jioma;
A great man, both for his illustrious quality, and for his high courage and wise conduct; and especially now for his great usefulness and serviceableness to me in giving me the entire and peaceable possession of all Israel.
Our plans were to develop and growing the Mbonge village fellowship. We planned to build, we provide the roof after they did the bricks and foundations. We wanted to make the place, being on the outskirts of town, a youth friendly camp site. It was also to be a rural mission launching center for Western Zambia. This was to latet be extended to Angola and Congo. But this great soldier, was no more. Like David, I am at loss, to figure this one out.
You had no physical sight but you saw more clearly as you seem to see with the eye of the spirit. In deed you quipped, ‘I walk by faith not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). Truely, now you see a better place where vision is never lost.
Man of God, we will miss your hard work, visionary, dedication and devotion to the fellowship. We felt supported, surrounded and guided with you presence. Truly, a great man is fallen at Beth Adonai Fellowship.
May your God, our Lord, give us grace to carry your legacy. May your many children, physical and spiritual pick up your mantel.
We will commit to finish the church building. We will develop, the plot at Mbonge as the lord moves peoples hearts to join us and support this latter day mission.

When we meet in heaven, we will tell of the completed church you started, in Mbonge Solwezi. When anyone is called home, they will surely, testify. When Jesus gets us all home; members, friends and partners working on the mission you have left, we will celebrate.
For now, I say, rest in peace man of God. Rest in peace, my soldier Pastor Record Jioma, again rest in peace.
Rev Lubuto Nsofu
Beth Adonai Rohi Ministries